Interested in lessons but can’t afford my regular rates?

I understand that financial accessibility to transition-related resources remains a challenge for many of us. I occasionally host "accessibility days" with blocks of heavily discounted voice lessons intended for those who cannot afford my usual rates. If you would like to be notified when these slots become available, please enter your name and email in the form below. 

If you book a slot, I will manually remove you from the mailing list, though you are welcome to sign up for it again.

A list of FAQs is below.

Accessibility Day Mailing List


  • This varies, but typically, $45 for a 45-minute session.

  • The intention behind accessibility days is to increase lesson accessibility to those who cannot feasibly fit typical session prices into their budget. This operates on an honor system. If paying for lessons is a financial challenge for you, you are welcome to book one of these sessions. If you can comfortably afford to pay the regular rate, please consider reserving these slots for those who cannot. That being said, I will never question you about your financial status if you book one of these slots.

  • Given the above, yes!

  • This will vary from month to month simply depending on how much time I'm able to offer.

  • It depends on the above, but no more than once per 2 weeks.

  • Nope!

  • Just email me back and let me know that you want to be removed from the list.